Life Science / Bio AFM Probes

Uncoated silicon HQ AFM tip close-up
Uncoated silicon HQ AFM tip close-up
Cr-Au coated silicon HQ AFM tip close-up
Cr-Au coated silicon HQ AFM tip close-up

Typical radius of uncoated AFM tip
Resulting AFM tip radius with the coating
Full AFM tip cone angle
Total AFM tip height
AFM probe material
n-type silicon
AFM tip coating
Uncoated or gold
Detector coating

Gold is chemically inert and hydrophobic, which makes gold coated AFM probes suitable for many experiments in biology and chemistry. Gold coated AFM probes are also used in certain electrical applications.

The coating is deposited on the back side of the AFM cantilever only (Cr-Au models) or on both sides of the AFM cantilever (Cr-Au BS models). The Cr-Au coating is formed as a 30nm Au film with a 20nm Cr sublayer, which is deposited for better adhesion of Au. The coating may cause AFM cantilever bending <3°.

The HQ:NSC and HQ:CSC AFM tips have trihedral shape with a full cone angle of 40° and even smaller at the last 200nm of the AFM tip apex.

1 AFM Cantilever Series

AFM CantileverResonance Frequency, kHzForce Constant, N/m
14 series 110 160 220 1.8 5.0 13
15 series 265 325 410 20 40 80
16 series 170 190 210 30 45 70
17 series 10 13 17 0.06 0.18 0.40
18 series 60 75 90 1.2 2.8 5.5
19 series 25 65 120 0.05 0.5 2.3


3 AFM Cantilevers Series

AFM CantileverResonance Frequency, kHzForce Constant, N/m
35 series Cantilever A 130 205 290 2.7 8.9 24
Cantilever B 185 300 430 4.8 16 44
Cantilever C 95 150 205 1.7 5.4 14
36 series Cantilever A 30 90 160 0.1 1.0 4.6
Cantilever B 45 130 240 0.2 2 9
Cantilever C 25 65 115 0.06 0.6 2.7
37 series Cantilever A 30 40 55 0.3 0.8 2
Cantilever B 15 20 30 0.1 0.3 0.6
Cantilever C 20 30 40 0.1 0.4 1
38 series Cantilever A 8 20 32 0.01 0.09 0.36
Cantilever B 5 10 17 0.003 0.03 0.13
Cantilever C 6 14 23 0.005 0.05 0.21
