AFM Probe with Gold Coated Silicon Nitride AFM Cantilevers
AFM probes of the XNC12 series have 2 silicon nitride AFM cantilevers and AFM tips on a glass holder chip. They are used for soft contact mode applications.
The overall gold coating with 20 nm chromium sublayer is electrically conductive and chemically inert. It also ehnances the laser reflectivity of the AFM cantilevers. The coating may cause AFM cantilever bending up to 3°
Gold Overall
AFM Probe Specifications
Shape | Height | Full Cone Angle | Radius |
Shape Pyramid | Height 3.5 µm | Full Cone Angle 40° | Radius < 10 nm |
AFM Cantilever
Cantilever | Shape | Force Const. | Res. Freq. | Length | Width | Thickness |
Cantilever Cantilever A | Shape Triangle | Force Const. 0.08 N/m | Res. Freq. 17 kHz | Length 200 µm(190 - 210µm) | Width 28 µm(23 - 33µm) | Thickness 500 nm(425 - 575 nm) |
Cantilever Cantilever B | Shape Triangle | Force Const. 0.32 N/m | Res. Freq. 67 kHz | Length 100 µm(90 - 110µm) | Width 13.5 µm(8.5 - 18.5µm) | Thickness 500 nm(425 - 575 nm) |
All typical values