AFM probes with stiff AFM cantilevers for tapping or non-contact mode
AFM probes with medium soft AFM cantilevers for soft tapping mode
AFM Probes for ScanAsyst®* Mode
AFM probes with soft AFM cantilevers for contact mode
Sharp AFM probes for atomic and near-atomic resolution imaging
AFM probes with gold coating for experiments in biology and chemistry
AFM probes with conductive coatings for electrical AFM modes
AFM probes with cobalt-alloy magnetic coating for MFM
AFM probes with thick doped-diamond coating for maximum durability
AFM probes with DLC wear-resistant coating for increased durability
AFM probes with silicon nitride AFM cantilevers and AFM tips
Tipless AFM cantilevers for attaching spheres and custom applications
Custom boxes with 100 to 400 different AFM probes in groups of 50
70 kHz 0.4 N/m SelfAdjust
160 kHz 5.0 N/m 14 Series
325 kHz 40 N/m 15 Series
190 kHz 45 N/m 16 Series
13 kHz 0.18 N/m 17 Series
75 kHz 2.8 N/m 18 Series
65 kHz 0.5 N/m 19 Series
17/67 kHz 0.08/0.32 N/m 12 Series
205/300/150 kHz 8.9/16/5.4 N/m 35 Series
90/130/65 kHz 1.0/2.0/0.6 N/m 36 Series
40/20/30 kHz 0.8/0.3/0.4 N/m 37 Series
20/10/14 kHz 0.09/0.03/0.05 N/m 38 Series
15/80/155/350 kHz 0.2/2.7/7.0/42 N/m 11 Series
* ScanAsyst® and PeakForce Tapping™ are trademarks of Bruker Corporation