Tipless AFM Cantilevers

General view of the HQ:NSC35/Tipless and HQ:NSC36/Tipless AFM cantilevers
General view of the HQ:NSC35/Tipless and HQ:NSC36/Tipless AFM cantilevers
General view of the HQ:CSC37/Tipless and HQ:CSC38/Tipless AFM cantilevers
General view of the HQ:CSC37/Tipless and HQ:CSC38/Tipless AFM cantilevers

AFM Probe material
n-type silicon
AFM Probe bulk resistivity
0.01-0.025 Ohm*cm

The AFM probes in the Tipless series offer three different AFM cantilevers on one side of the chip without AFM tips. They can be used in various applications such as gluing microspheres or custom tip pyramids. HQ:NSC35 and HQ:NSC36 series AFM probes feature 3 different soft tapping mode AFM cantilevers, while HQ:CSC37 and HQ:CSC38 series AFM probes feature 3 different contact mode AFM cantilevers.

3 AFM Cantilevers Series

AFM CantileverResonance Frequency, kHzForce Constant, N/m
35 series Cantilever A 130 205 290 2.7 8.9 24
Cantilever B 185 300 430 4.8 16 44
Cantilever C 95 150 205 1.7 5.4 14
36 series Cantilever A 30 90 160 0.1 1.0 4.6
Cantilever B 45 130 240 0.2 2 9
Cantilever C 25 65 115 0.06 0.6 2.7
37 series Cantilever A 30 40 55 0.3 0.8 2
Cantilever B 15 20 30 0.1 0.3 0.6
Cantilever C 20 30 40 0.1 0.4 1
38 series Cantilever A 8 20 32 0.01 0.09 0.36
Cantilever B 5 10 17 0.003 0.03 0.13
Cantilever C 6 14 23 0.005 0.05 0.21



Tipless AFM cantilevers are often used for custom applications such as for example attaching spheres or other objects for force spectroscopy measurements.
