High Resolution, Soft Tapping Mode AFM Probe
The high-resolution AFM probes of the Hi'Res-C series feature a hydrophobic diamond-like spike at the apex of the silicon etched AFM tip.
AFM probes of the HQ:NSC14 series have soft tapping mode AFM cantilevers suitable for imaging relatively soft samples to obtain better phase contrast and reduce surface deformations caused by the tapping AFM tip.
The HQ AFM probes offer high consistency of the AFM tip radius, the AFM cantilever reflectivity and the quality factor.
The overall 30 nm Au coating with 20 nm Cr sublayer is chemically inert. It also ehnances the laser reflectivity of the AFM cantilever in air and liquids. The coating does not cover the spike.
Reflective Gold
Shape | Height | Radius |
Shape Supersharp | Height 15 µm (12 - 18 µm) | Radius < 1 nm |
Cantilever | Shape | Force Const. | Res. Freq. | Length | Width | Thickness |
Cantilever Cantilever A | Shape Beam | Force Const. 5 N/m(1.8 - 13 N/m) | Res. Freq. 160 kHz(110 - 220 kHz) | Length 125 µm(120 - 130µm) | Width 25 µm(22 - 28µm) | Thickness 2.1 µm(1.6 - 2.6 µm) |
All typical values